Montana Gypsy offers classes in all styles of Latin dance and flamenco and C&W dance styles. We teach at the University of Montana, West Side Theater, Lifelong Learning Center, and Missoula County Public Schools. Review our schedule for exact times and locations for each class. Schedules vary from semester to semester, and we add Pop-Up Workshops, covering styling, technique, and specialized dance styles, every month.
Do you want to learn to dance but aren't ready for a group class? OR Maybe you have a special occasion that requires you to bust out those moves? Need choreography for an event or competition? Book a private lesson today. We offer all Latin styles, country, and more. We can schedule studio time or come to you! Contact us at for more information or if you have any questions.
We are all over Missoula, so check our calendar regularly. We have social dances every month, on the second Saturday of every month. Our calendar also includes class start dates and other dance events.
Montana Gypsy and Jennifer Corbin are certified Dance Integration Teaching Artists. We integrate dance into all curricula, including math, science, language, and physical fitness. K-12 public schools are funded through SPARK! in Missoula, Montana, but I am available for teaching at all levels in all sectors. MCPS teachers should contact Sienna Solberg for more information or contact Jennifer Corbin at